Have you noticed how many of these “Please stop _____” are on Medium?
Maybe it is just me, but they are all over the place.
May I suggest that we stop trying to get large sections of humanity to behave as I want them to behave? Trying to overcome thousands of years of genetic training? (I know I am going to get killed for this. Ok, I will jump on the grenade) I am not defending douchebaggery. There is no excuse for acting like an ass. (I know I will still get killed for this)
My life would be much richer if my big problem was that someone looked at me wrong. I just finished reading about how we should not tell women they are beautiful. Really?
Good luck with that one. In my limited experience as a man (= brainless clod, I know) women like to hear this. FROM THE RIGHT MAN. Not you, the guy who has asked her out 5 times, been rejected 5 times, and still thinks she is probably just playing hard to get.
But women with whom I have been romantically invoved, LTR stuff, they liked it.